Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Make it fun =]

Its so easy to get stuck with your position in life. To accept the way things are, whether they are satisfactory or not. I often find myself being a cynic; in fact peoples optimism either makes me sick or angry, mainly because I wonder how I am so different from everyone else.
And really am I so different, or do people just hide it better?
Are those happy energetic smiling people in the morning -that I often take a disliking to for no good reason- just as lost and overwhelmed as me?
I constantly wonder how they can be so loud and happy at such and hour when I have to drag myself out of bed and half the mornings I don't even succed at that.
The point, and I do have a point, is that the mind is often the thing that holds you back the most; whether its in fitness, your job, relationships, or other aspects of your existence, ultimately if your brain is 'unhealthy' your life will reflect it.

So clear the stress, empty out the cobwebs in your mind, and try to relax. Don't stress about getting skinny or healthy, just do it. Find the joy and peace within the journey and eventually, before you know it you'll be there.
- Paula.

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